Getting Rid of Acne Fast

Acne can make anyone feel self-cautious about their appearance, male or female. It can be especially devastating you pick away and pop your pimples, these leave behind unappealing scars as a reminder of your acne .It’s a good thing you stumbled upon this article because we’re going to discuss how to get rid of acne fast. Getting rid of acne sound easier said than done, for the majority of people it’s not as simple as buying a facial cleanser and being blemish free. The majority of people will need to get to the root of the problem to completely get rid of their acne once and for all. Getting to the root of the problem can take some time which is why we put together a list of remedies that have helped many people and possibly may even help you in getting rid of acne fast.  

A Good Cleansing Routine

First and foremost, the most essential task in getting rid of acne is establishing a good cleansing routine. A cleanser should be used every morning and night to avoid dirt and bacteria to clog up your pores. However, also keep in mind that overusing cleanser can also cause you to break out as the ingredients can cause your skin to be irritated. It’s always best to get a natural cleanser to avoid any harsh side effects however there are a few ingredients that have been proven to be effective in getting rid of acne fast. Salicylic or glycolic acid has been proven to be effective for those who have really oily skin. If you have been using a certain cleanser and you are still breaking out you might want to try a different one. There are thousands of brands out there, find what works for you.

10 Glasses of Water a Day

You should be drinking plenty of water, the last thing you want is to be dehydrated. In addition to making you, dizzy, fatigued, etc. it can also clog up your skin pores. On average, a person should try to drink 10 glasses of water a day however if you can get 1 gallon in that would be even better.  

Change Your Pillow Covers & Bed Sheets

This sounds so simple but you would be surprised how many people fail to do this. Pillow cases are used on a daily basis, after a long day the average person sleeps for 8 hours during which they toss and turn. Tons of bacteria from your hair and face rub off onto your pillow case. This applies to bed sheets too, this is why it is important to change your pillows and bed sheets at least once a week. If possible, it would be a good idea to invest in a silk pillow as this material is the least abrasive to the skin.  

Say No To Stress

A lot of people have blamed stress as a leading cause of their acne. When a person is stressed out their hormone levels fluctuate heavily which lead to an excess in sebum, this is that oily substance your body naturally produces. When the sebum is mixed with bacteria and dirt on your face, there is likely to be a breakout. Incorporating some sort of aerobic activity for approximately 1 hour a day can do wonders for your stress and ultimately reducing the amount of sebum tour body produces. When aerobic is combined with a good cleansing regimen there’s a good chance of getting rid of acne fast.

The Good & Bad of Sunshine

 Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that anyone can get from sun exposure. This vitamin is argued to be essential for healthy skin however there is also some associated risk. Too much sun exposure can also put your skin at risk for other medical conditions but if you avoid the sun during peak hours this can be safely done. In addition, you can also use oil free sun screen which will allow you to soak up a lot of vitamin D while protecting you from the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays and because its oil free it won’t clog your pores. Always remember, with anything in life moderation is key. 

Take a Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement

You can also take a multivitamin, because just like the skin needs Vitamin D to stay healthy it also needs Vitamins A, B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E and as well as minerals like Zinc. It won’t hurt to take an omega 3 supplement weather, however you have to keep in mind these are just supplements you can just as easily get these vitamins and minerals in through a healthy diet.  You can find a lot of vitamins in foods such as oranges, walnuts, fish etc. 

Best Way To Get Rid Of Acne

Best Ways To Get Rid of Acne

If you’re someone who has had acne prone skin since your teen years and you think you have tried just about every acne treatment known to mankind. Well there’s one last solution you can try, many people can use prescription medications to cure their acne. Usually prescription medications are not for sale over the counter, these medications are prescribed by dermatologists. This is by far the best way to get rid of acne however, something to keep in mind is that this should be a last resort solution. In this article I am going to be talking about two different drugs that are commonly prescribed by dermatologists. One is an antibiotic called tetracycline and the second is a powerful vitamin A drug called Accutane.


Acne is usually caused by bacteria beneath your skin, most people can control it using conventional methods however people with severe acne will need a prescription drug to help fight the bacteria directly. Tetracycline is an antibiotic that targets and kills the bacteria under the skin. To maximize the results, tetracycline is better off taken on an empty stomach as this will absorb and increase its effectiveness. Users should be aware with the risks involved with taking tetracycline. This prescription is like any other drug and can conflict with other drugs or certain foods, for example it should not be taken with any foods that have iron or zinc, or dairy products. In addition, a common occurrence with tetracycline is that your body can adapt to it pretty quickly, sometimes the bacteria which causes your acne becomes immune. This is a scary thought which is why I recommend anyone considering this drug to weight out the risks and rewards to determine if it’s really worth it.


Another prescription that can be prescribed by dermatologists is Accutane.  This on the other hand should your absolute last resort as there are some serious side effects but with an extremely high success rate. Accutane is a drug that is used to cure acne fast, this drug is usually prescribed to people who experience cystic acne. The drug is a vitamin A derivative which significantly reduces your body’s natural oil production and decreases the size of your pores. It also reduces the amount of bacteria under the skin, unclogs pores and has anti-inflammatory properties. Accutane is usually taken for 5-6 months and the success rate is extremely high, around 90% of all users either completely get rid of their acne or dramatically reduce the severity of their acne. However, it is extremely important to be aware of all the side effects when Accutane because there are a lot of them. The first thing you will notice when taking Accutane is that you have dry skin, this is because the drug changes how your body produces oil so you’re going to have to moisturize multiple times a day. Having that said, reducing the oil production will also result in dry lips, this is a lot more noticeable than dry skin as often user complain about their lips cracking. Another side effect is nosebleeds, this isn’t so common but it has been reported by a significant amount of users. There is also the risk of sun burn, your skin will be extremely sensitive while on Accutane as with the reduction of oil on your body there is not much to protect it from harmful UV rays. There are also some reports of depressions and anxiety however this is very rare and less than 5% of users have reported these symptoms while taking Accutane. 
So if you want to get rid of your acne, keep in mind that there are stronger treatments options available. These treatments may have more side effects associated with them but for some people the benefits of these drugs significantly outweigh the risk. If you do opt to take this route please remember to always consult a professional, either a dermatologist or any other doctor will prescribe you the appropriate treatment while keeping you on close medical supervision.

Natural ways to get rid of acne

Can you really get rid of acne naturally?

When it comes to acne every person is different, certain remedies will make that will leave come people with clear skin while it may make others skin worse. Experts are still uncertain about what the real cause of acne so it would be pretty damn hard to create a one-step solution. There are thousands of acne products available on the market claiming they have found the solution to acne and you will be blemish free in 30 days, but the fact is that a lot of these products are just a waste of money. A lot of times when we use these products they are full of chemicals and toxins, which is why many users report there acne getting worse after using them. So we really have to ask ourselves, is it really worth it? 

Natural Alternatives

A great alternative to these products are the good old natural treatments that people have been using for centuries. These natural treatments contain no harmful chemicals so there would be no side effects and to top it off they’re inexpensive. When I say natural treatments I not only mean natural ingredients but also natural lifestyle changes which I will talk about in the next section. And the natural ingredients I refer are not products that have natural ingredients in there formula but are just everyday ingredients you already have in your house. However, you still have to keep in mind that these alternatives be very individualistic, it will help some while do nothing for others.

1. Eat Healthy.

 The first natural alternative and probably the best remedy to acne is eating healthier. You may be thinking to yourself, well I already eat healthy and I still have acne but I want you to take a second and really analyze what you consume on a daily basis. Are you drinking a lot of simple sugars, this means juice with added sweeteners, candy, chocolate, cookies, soda’s, etc.   These are just a few of the foods that can cause breakouts, and changing your diet may be the first step in getting rid of your acne. This will also carry over to other parts of your life, you will start feeling more energized, and just healthier overall. If you’re confused on how to start, just begin by glancing at the nutrition facts when you eat, avoid fast food & processed foods, start eating lots and lots of vegetables. Think of this as a lifestyle change. 

 2. Avoid Dairy.

 The second natural way to get rid of acne is by avoiding dairy. Most people won’t see the relationship between dairy and acne at first but if you take sometime doing a little research you will uncover that dairy products contain growth hormones and inflammatory properties that clog your pores and cause acne. Milk being one of the big ones that cause inflammation but cheese, ice cream, yogurt, etc. can also trigger your acne to get inflamed. The good thing is that there are great alternatives to dairy, we have soy milk, almond milk, lactose free cheese, etc. However one thing to take into consideration is when your cutting out dairy, your protein intake may be reduced so remember to increase other foods rich in protein to make up for this deficiency. 

 3. Avoid/Limit Alcohol.

Another natural remedy is avoiding or reducing your alcohol consumption. Studies show that drinking alcohol on regular basis will depress your immune system which will worsen your skin as your immune system is what fights the bacteria your skin is exposed to. When your immune system fails to fight off the bacteria, this will cause the bacteria to build up in your pores and cause breakouts. In addition, alcohol also has been shown to impact your hormone levels and studies show that acne is often caused by fluctuating testosterone or estrogen levels. So if you’re a big drinker I’m not saying quit cold turkey but try reducing your intake slowly, see if it makes any difference. Who knows this natural way to get rid of acne may work for you. 

4. Exercise 

Exercising is another method that many people have claimed has helped their acne tremendously. If you’re wondering how exercise has any relationship to your skin, well think about it this way when you work out, your heart rate is increased which speeds up your blood flow and nourishes your skin. In addition, stress is argued to be another cause of acne and exercising is a good stress reliever. However, you have to be cautious when you exercise because your pores open up and what do you think happen when those pores are open, bacteria can easily get inside. Thus, you have to make sure you cleanse your face immediately post workout. The good thing about this natural remedy is that you will look great as well from staying in shape.

5. Get Your Sleep.

 The final natural remedy is sleep, it’s essential that you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. This once again relates back to your hormones, when you aren’t getting enough sleep your hormones are going to be all over the place which will make your acne worse.  Everyone loves sleeping so there’s really no excuse considering it’s free.  

Final thoughts 

These are just some of the few natural ways to get rid of acne, it’s all going to be very individualistic. Don’t ignore some of the basic things which wasn’t detailed in this article like washing you face every morning and night, making sure to get any make up or products most of which contains chemicals. If this article has helped you improve your skin and now you’re left with dealing scars check out our “How to get rid of acne scars fast” article. 

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Fast

Even though acne is most common in teens during puberty, people of all ages are affected. The acne itself is only half of the problem, often people are left with unattractive scars which can really mess with someone’s self-confidence. Acne scarring come in two different forms, there are scars with a gradual dip or depression (referred to as "rolling" scars) and scars that are deep and narrow. For the most part, acne scars that are left on your face are just temporary and will require no treatment, the scarring will disappear on its own over time.

Common Acne Scars

Why does the type of acne scar matter?

Figuring out the different kinds of acne is the first step in getting rid of acne scars fast. Once you determine what type of scar you have you can figure out what to do to get rid of those acne scars fast. The most serious scarring is caused by severe acne, these are nodules – painful, cysts or lumps filled with puss. Severe acne is most likely to leave permanent ice pick or boxcar scars.  Mild and moderate acne, is just whiteheads or blackheads that are sometimes inflamed, these leave the skin looking red. Mild or moderate acne scars should not be extremely hard to get rid of and in the following section we will reveal how to get rid of these quickly.     

Removing Mild/Moderate Scarring

The good news if you have mild or moderate acne scarring is that there’s hope! These scars can often be treated with natural ingredients, so more often than not this won’t cost you a dime. A lot of natural ingredients have anti-inflammatory or antibacterial properties which are beneficial for not only treating scars but treating active breakouts. Take a look at the following 5 natural ingredients that can be used to treat acne scars fast:

1. Lemon Juice 

Lemon Juice
If you didn’t already know this lemon is a natural bleach, they are filled with Vitamin C which promoted collagen reproduction. Many people use lemon to lighten their skin tone but this can also be used on your acne scars, which will eventually get lighter daily and fade away. Simple take a fresh lemon you have sitting around and squeeze the juice out, use a cotton ball and apply the juice to the scars. The lemon juice should be left on from about 10-20 minutes then washed off. Take a fresh lemon and squeeze out its juice. Apply this juice directly on your scars with finger tips or a cotton ball, leave it for ten minutes and wash it off with water. 

2. Honey for Acne Scars

HoneyHoney is another natural ingredient can be used to get rid of acne scars fast. This is mainly because honey is a natural antiseptic, which means you can apply it even if you’re still breaking out, it will leave less of a scar behind. It will reduce the inflammation and on top of that it also acts as a great natural moisturizer leaving your skin 100% healthy. Honey should be applied to acne scars and left on overnight, the following morning as soon as you wake up it should be washed off. 

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera
Similar to honey, aloe vera is a great scar remedy that also soothes swollen skin. It will rebuild damaged tissues boosting the healing process. However the only tricky part is that you have to use the gel derived from the actual aloe vera leaf, this can be tricky to get a hold of but this is better than using generic skin products that contain aloe vera. If you can get a hold of the leaf simply peel its outer green cover and you will see the gel hidden beneath it, simply apply this gel and leave it on for about 30-40 min then wash it. 

4. Olive Oil

Olive OilOlive oil is another great at home ingredient that can be found lying around the house that can be used to get rid of acne scars fast.  This ingredient contains a bunch of essential vitamins that promote healthy skin ( A, D, E, C, B1 and B2) and just like the previous ingredients it is an anti-inflammatory.  Properties of olive oil also help remove acne scars. To apply olive oil to your skin, simply take a towel that is damp with warm water and apply some olive oil. Gently massage this towel on your face, making sure to reach all the trouble areas, after 1-2 minutes wash your face.  

5. Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne Scars

Apples and Apple Cider VinegarAnother at home ingredient is apple cider vinegar, which is considered a natural disinfectant. This balances the pH level of your skin when applied directly and it’s also an anti-inflammatory, which like the other ingredients can be used to help active breakouts. Acne scars are treated with this ingredient with the vinegar scraping off the dead skin cells, which will cause the acne scars to eventually fade away. All you do is dilute the vinegar in some water and use some cotton balls to apply it, after 5-10 minutes wash it off with warm water. 

Removing Severe Scarring

Severe scarring will mostly likely need some sort of treatment from a doctor or dermatologist to remove.  If you really want to get rid of acne scars fast the best option would be either a chemical peel or microdermabrasion.  However, if you’re okay with spending a little extra money, there are other options which are even quicker:

Laser resurfacing: This procedure is performed by cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists, it basically removes the damaged layer of the skin and promoted growth of a new layer, when the new layer grows back it leaves the skin looking smoother. 

Dermabrasion: This procedure is a lot less harsh than laser resurfacing and can be done at any spa or beauty salon. It involves rotating wire brush tool to wear down the surface of the skin. When the skin heals, a new smoother looking skin is produced. 

Fractional laser therapy: Out of the previous procedures, this is the most intense as it is able to reach a deeper layer of skin than laser resurfacing or dermabrasion.  However there is also the benefit of having a quicker healing time than laser resurfacing because it doesn't impact the top layer of tissue. 

Treating Rolling Scars: Rolling scars on the other hand are a bit tricky, due to their nature doctors often inject temporary material under the skin to raise it be level with the normal skin. The only other option to treat these rolling scars would be a surgical procedure which is not recommended. Any surgical procedure comes with associated risks and may not be worth it in the long run.  

Top 10 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Acne

Top 10 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Acne

Acne is a common condition of the skin that affects most people. Acne occurs as a result of an inflammation of an area of skin in which the sebaceous glands (oil glands) begins to harbour an infection. This infection leads to the area swelling up and filling with pus, your bodies natural anti oxidant.

Acne on a girls face

The most common cause of acne is excess "pus," excretion stimulated by the sebaceous glands. Acne tends to occur in adolescents, but can affect people of any age. The main impact of acne is felt across the face, back, shoulders and sometimes the neck. The medical condition of acne is not a serious one, but can damage self esteem or have profound psychological impacts on an individual. 

Across the market there are countless mass produced medicines to treat acne on all parts of your body, but on trend they tend to take a long time to work. Most natural ways to get rid of acne are effective within a couple of days and so are much preferred. 

Number 1 - Temperature

Ice CubesCold temperatures can be used to swiftly reduce unattractive redness, inflammation of acne and swelling of the affected area. Cold temperatures can help in causing a rush of blood to the area where the cold temperature is applied resulting in the pores of the skin closing up and pushing out the oil and dust which sometimes gathers on skin. To apply cold temperatures place ice inside of a plastic bag and apply to affected area. 

Number 2 - Lemon

A swift way to reduce acne is through the application of lemon juice to the affected area. Lemons are rich in vitamin C which will help to reduce pus in affected area and close up pores, much like ice. Fresh lemon must be used. To apply this method you can do it in one of two ways. Before going to sleep gently apply lemon juice from a freshly squeezed lemon to your acne. Or you can mix a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice with some cinnamon powder and apply before going to sleep gently to your acne. 

Both of these methods will require you to gently wash your skin in the morning with warm water. This method is not suitable for people who have sensitive skin as it can cause minor irritation.

Number 3 - Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree OilTea Tree Oil is another method which is not suitable for those with sensitive skin as it requires 20 mimute application. Tea Tree Oil acts as an antibacterial substance and helps to reduce pus under your skin in affected areas. 

On top this Tea Tree Oil acts as a soother on the affected area and will reduce inflammation and redness of acne. It will help to dry out blackheads and eradicate whiteheads. To apply simply gently rub the Tea Tree Oil into the area affected by acne. Leave it on the affected area in a soft white coat for thirty minutes and then remove with cold water. 

Number 4 - Toothpaste

Toothpaste has more than one use in modern society. Not only can it get you shinny white teeth it can help to reduce acne in a natural way. For this method you have to use white toothpaste and must not use gel toothpaste. 
ToothpasteApply the toothpaste to the affected area just before you go to bed and leave overnight. In the morning rinse your face with cool water and the swelling should be reduced.

Number 5 - Steam

Steam VapourSteam can work wonders for skin and your lungs as well. It works especially well to reduce acne in a natural way. The steam will allow your pores to open wide and refresh your skin. This will help cleanse out any dust, oil or infections trapped in the pores that might cause inflammation.  

To do this method you will require a large container filled with boiling hot water. Simply get a towel, place it over your head and breath in the steam for a few minutes. After you have done this be sure to apply an oil-free moisturize evenly to your face and neck or acne affected area.

6. Garlic Remedies

Garlic can work well in preventing acne. Garlic works as both an anti-viral, anti-fungal and an anti septic. Garlic, in terms of acne, works as an oxidant agent that will help to reduce inflammation of acne. Garlic has a high percentage of sulphur which promotes the quick healing of acne and a reduction in redness.

Garlic CloveTo use garlic to reduce acne simply find a garlic clove, cut it into two, and then gently and carefully rub it in to the acne affected area. Leave the garlic on the affected area for 10 minutes before washing the acne affected area with lukewarm water. For best results this should be repeated 3 to 4 times a day.

The daily consumption of a garlic clove can help to thin out your blood. Be careful not to eat too much garlic as it can be damaging to your stomach.

7. Baking Soda

baking soda
Baking Soda is a very effective and natural method of reducing acne. Baking soda, due to its abrasive texture, exfoliates your skin to remove excess dust and dead particles and flakes.

To apply, make a paste with the baking soda mixed with either pure water or lemon extract, and rub gently into the acne affected area. Allow to dry for 5-10 minutes or until crispy. Gently wash the affected area with warm or lukewarm water. For optimum results repeat 3 to 5 times a day.

8. Honey

honeyHoney is an amazing natural acne cure. Not only is it an amazing source of natural antibiotics that will speed up the recovery of your skin to the damage acne can cause, but it also can help ward off infections.

To apply, simply cover the area of acne in honey and leave for an hour. After an hour is up, gently wash the affected area with Luke warm or warm water. Repeat this process 3 to 5 times a day for optimal results. 

An alternative option to this is to make the honey with some shop bought cinnamon powder to make a paste and apply over the acne affected area before going to sleep. This should reduce swelling and redness overnight. Make sure to correctly clean your skin under cold water in the morning to remove the paste.

9. Cucumber

CucumberCucumbers are excellent natural solution to reducing acne. Cucumbers are rich in vitamins a vitamins C and vitamin E along with having high levels of potassium. Cucumber water has a gentle ceiling effect on the skin that reduces inflammation and swelling.

To apply simply slice a fresh cucumber into a few pieces and place in a sink of cold water for around two hours. During this time the vitamins and potassium should transfer to the water. After two hours of past sieve the water and drink it or use the water to wash your face.

10. Papaya

The player is a naturally occurring fruit that was wonders with acne. It is brilliant source of vitamin a vitamin be and it carries enzymes that can reduce swelling and work as a moisturiser. 

PapayaTo apply crush a papaya and it shatters juice and apply gently to acne affected area. Leave the papaya juice on the acne affected area for 20 minutes before gently rinsing off with cold water.